
Posted by octopus | 9:39 PM | 0 comments »

So you don't want to spend the time and money to relentlessly test and test and test traffic and advertising sources...WHO DOES?!

It not only takes a lot of time, but it's REALLY EXPENSIVE! Just a few bad sources can break you and put an end to your online career.

So don't do it then.

Yeah that's right, we said it...STOP TESTING!

We've already done it for you anyway so we have no idea why you keep wasting your time and money.

In fact, we've tested over 500 sources and continue to add at least 10 each month! How long would it take you to do that???

More than 5 minutes right? Get it all in less time than that here:

OH WAIT! Did we mention that for a limited time we're giving away an ENTIRE YEAR of advertising with a lifetime membership?

Seriously...we do all the "dirty work", and YOU get 12 months of advertising.

It's really a no-brainer, don't you think???